Christianna Studios

Rental Rooms


Contact us by phone or through the contact form,
for information on availability & reservations


Contact Details


Address: Asayia, Parga, Preveza, PC. 480 60

Telephone Number: +30 26840 32906

Mobile Number.: +30 6944 936414


Managers: Grigoris & Natasha Kotsiou


Υπεύθυνοι: Γρηγόρης & Νατάσσα Κώτσιου


Tourist Registration Number (ΜΗΤΕ): 0623Κ123Κ0165001

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How to find us

If you are coming from Preveza, go past the BP petrol station, turn right and continue straight ahead.

If you are coming from the centre of Parga, go past the playing field, turn left and continue straight ahead.